Situations When A Tooth Extraction Is Necessary

Situations When A Tooth Extraction Is Necessary

Tooth removal which is also called tooth extraction is a dental procedure in which a tooth is completely detached from its socket on the jaw bone. It may take one or more dental appointment to complete the procedure depending on the nature of the tooth. Except in the case of primary teeth, tooth extraction is not usually recommended unless there is no chance that the tooth can be saved.A tooth can either be removed through a simple extraction or a surgical extraction.

Simple extractions are the most common and are performed when the tooth is clearly visible above the gumline. Local anesthesia is administered and then the tooth is loosened before being pulled out using forceps. For cases where the tooth is impacted or severely broken, surgical extraction is used to ensure the entire tooth is pulled out. The process involves making an incision to the gum to expose the root of the tooth. for this type of extraction, you may experience a bit of downtime as the recovery takes longer than in simple extraction. General anesthesia is used for surgical extractions so you will be conscious as it happens.

Why Are Teeth Removed?

Tooth extraction can be done by either a general dentist or an oral surgeon. At Green Tree Dental, we put all our patients through a detailed consultation process to explore all alternative before reaching the conclusion that an extraction is necessary. Some of the reasons why your permanent teeth may need to removed include:

  • Severe Decay

Your mouth is filled with bacteria in the form of plaque that feeds on sugars from food particles. As the bacteria digests the sugars, it releases an acid that eats away the enamel, causing cavities. In the initial stages, cavities are easy to treat. However, in extreme cases, the enamel is greatly eaten away, causing it to lose its stability. It becomes brittle and incapable of undergoing restorations such as fillings or even hold a crown. There are cases where the decay causes an abscess in the bone or cause the pulp to be infected. Although root canal can help clear out a pulp infection or abscess, if the tooth is already severely damaged, chances of successful treatment are diminished. At this point your dentist will suggest an extraction the only remaining solution to stop the cavities from spreading. Thereafter you will have to undergo restorative treatment to replace the lost tooth.

  • Overcrowding

Orthodontists can also recommend an extraction to create room for teeth to move or align in an effort to create an attractive smile. Some alignment issues cause patients pain and interfere with proper function. To solve this, it may be necessary to extract a tooth or move to create room for the alignment process to take place. Usually, the benefits after the extraction have to be greater for it be considered as an option.

  • Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth, the third molars at the back of the mouth are usually the last set of teeth to grow. There are those that are lucky enough to have the grow healthy and without any problems. however, for most people these molars cause a myriad of problems. The teeth can become impacted, emerge partially through the gums or grow at an awkward angle. All these situations are uncomfortable and sometimes even painful. Your dentist may suggest to remove the teeth to improve the quality of your life where they are causing discomfort or making it difficult to care for your teeth properly such as through brushing.

  • Trauma

Any kind of great impact to your teeth can cause them to fracture to the point where they cannot be fixed. Usually, when a fracture or crack extends to the root of the tooth, there is no way to save the tooth and extraction is considered necessary. This is usually in effort to prevent more complications such as a tooth infection.

Although tooth extractions are necessary, if you are not confident enough that the procedure is necessary, you can always get a second opinion to ensure that you are not pulling a tooth that can be saved. Also, after an extraction, you are advised to consider a restorative treatment to replace the tooth and avoid problems like teeth shifting and loss of bone.

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